APRIL 11 | 2024
​Unleashing Leadership for Global Impact
Dr. Chelsea Clinton
Jen Lee Koss
Streaming live from Oslo Spektrum!
09:00—10:40 CET
Gain profound insights from global leaders, corporate visionaries, changemakers, and activists who are at the forefront of sustainability efforts, shaping international policies, and spearheading initiatives to create transformative social impact. Leadership in the realm of social sustainability is multi-faceted and complex, requiring a combination of skills, values, and a commitment to lead both oneself and others toward the creation of lasting impact.
Welcome by SHE
Lessons from Leadership: Global Collaboration
Jonas Gahr Støre // Prime Minister of Norway
Jen Lee Koss // Investor & Advisor
Dr. Chelsea Clinton // Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation
When Communicating: Do More of What Makes You Human
Keynote by:
Dr. Laura Penn // Founder of the Leadership Speaking School
It’s never been easier to communicate with others, yet it’s never been more difficult. To reach hearts and minds and to communicate with impact, authenticity and human connection requires time, effort and skill. Three things that most busy leaders and teams don’t have enough of. ​
A Call to Action: Health Equity & Sustainable Development
Gro Harlem Brundtland // First Female Prime Minister of Norway
Dr. Chelsea Clinton // Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation
Jon Mørland // Partner and Chairman of the Board at Mørland & Johnsen
Value-based Partnerships for Change
Keynote by:
Stephen Omollo // CEO of Plan International
The world is grappling with multiple crises that are interconnected and worsening by the day. Our worlds are converging, and it is time for business, governments, and non-profits to forge new partnerships for change based on shared values. In this keynote, Stephen Omollo will teach us that through the discomfort of forging new paths and partnerships, we unlock the potential for a future that is equitable, sustainable, and resilient.
SHE Index Award
Kristin Hedqvist-Widen // Partner at Stretch Group
Rickard Werner // CEO of Stretch Beyond
SHE Award
Anna Knudsen// Editor-in-chief at AW Magazine
Samina Vabo Ansari// Founder, Leader, Advisor & Speaker
Henrik Colind Høst
Karen Spens
Streaming live from the conference expo!
11:15-11:45 CET
AI in Healthcare: Overcoming Barriers for Global Health Advancement
Join us for an engaging panel discussion where we discuss the potential of AI to revolutionize healthcare, aiming to make it more equitable, efficient, and accessible. The panel will discuss the obstacles impeding AI's progress in healthcare, such as regulatory frameworks, data privacy, and the need for a cultural shift towards patient-centric care. We will also focus on strategies to unlock more funding for AI initiatives that specifically target social human equity, ensuring that technological advances benefit all segments of society.
Helga Brøgger // DNV Researcher AI in Healthcare
Jon Kåre Stene // Partner & Co-founder of Skyfall Ventures
12:00-12:30 CET
Corporate Responsibility in the Face of Injustice
In this session, we delve into the crucial roles that individuals, corporations, and leaders play in fostering justice and ensuring global safety amid a turbulent world. Leveraging the SHE Conference's Listen-Learn-Act framework, this panel aims to transcend specific conflicts, offering a broader perspective on how businesses can ethically navigate, influence, and contribute to a more equitable and just society. Through listening to diverse voices, learning from global challenges, and taking purposeful actions, we'll examine strategies for corporations to uphold and advocate for human rights, environmental stewardship, and social equity in every action they take. Join us as we navigate the path towards corporate responsibility in ensuring a safer, just, and sustainable world for all.
Kristina Bolstad Picard // Senior Advisor & Associated Partner at Geelmuyden Kiese
Lindis Hurum // Secretary General of Doctors Without Borders Norway
12:45-13:15 CET
Bridging the Generational Gap
Accelerating Business Growth
We will soon have five generations working alongside one another in all major corporations. Are we ready to face the challenges and opportunities this will present? There's incredible value in understanding and bridging divides between generations. Join us for a thought-provoking panel discussion where different perspectives converge to explore strategies for connecting across generations.
Ife Obasa // Public Speaker & Education Consultant
Tove Selnes // Chief People Officer at Storebrand
Øystein Søreide // Managing Director of Abelia
13:45-14:15 CET
Empowerment of Women / Gender Equity – Turnaround
This session will explore the many global positive sustainability consequences of strengthening the position of women in education, the workforce, and leadership.
Karen Spens // President of BI Norwegian Business School
Per Esben Stoknes // Earth4All co-author & Ass.Professor at BI Norwegian Business School
14:35-15:05 CET
Strategies for Inclusive Gender Equity
Bridging Divides and Fostering Unity
For this session we have invited Reform (resource center for men), who is also collaborating with The Men's Equality Commission - which is initiated by the Norwegian government and is the first of its kind globally to look at the complex challenges facing different men in society. In this session we will discuss how we can truly promote gender equity without polarization and with a deep understanding of how it is mutually beneficial.
Are Saastad // Director at Reform – Reform Resource Centre for Men
Helene Banner // Founder of "Let's Just Be Imperfect, Ladies"
Amy Baker // Ambassador of Canada to Norway
15:15-15:45 CET
Transforming leadership for tomorrow:
A Listen-Learn-Act approach to Social Human Equity
Join us for a deeply insightful interview session with Katie D. Dudtschak." Katie, a trailblazing c-suite business leader and corporate board director, brings a wealth of experience from leading one of Canada’s top financial services executive roles to serving as a bank CEO across 19 Caribbean countries. Katie's leadership journey is marked by her strategic, transformational, and purpose-driven approach, underscored by a commitment to inclusivity and community building.
Katie will share her transformative journey of affirming her gender, which has profoundly influenced her leadership style and understanding of social human equity. She will discuss her vision for future leadership and organizations that prioritize higher purposes beyond economic success, embracing true inclusivity, generative problem-solving, empathetic leadership, and transparent accountability.
Katie's commitment to various causes, including human rights, mental health, and indigenous reconciliation, alongside her roles in organizations like the United Way of Greater Toronto and the Canadian Human Rights Museum, highlight her dedication to creating a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable world.
This interview will not only shed light on Katie’s remarkable personal and professional journey but also on how leaders can drive meaningful change in today's complex global landscape.
Katherine D. Dudtschak, MBA, ICD.D // C-suite Business Leader, Corporate Board Director, Coach & Community Builder
16:15—17:30 CET
Helene Banner
This session will offer vital perspectives and approaches to economic and societal transformation.
Opening with a panel featuring prominent corporate leaders, politicians, and policymakers, we will facilitate a transparent and challenging discussion.
Are we Making Business Fair for Everyone? The Balance between Assimilation, Integration & Inclusion
Moderated by Thorbjørn Røe Isaksen // Political Editor at E24
Erna Solberg // Leader of the Norwegian Conservative Party
Jan Christian Vestre // Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry
Arild Hermstad // Leader of the Norwegian Green Party
Sylvi Listhaug // Leader of the Norwegian Progress Party
Christin E. Bøsterud // CEO of EY Norway
Cecilia Flatum // Head of Consulting at Deloitte Norway
Kristine Dahl Steidel // General Manager for Microsoft Norway
Tone Hegland Bachke // EVP & Chief Financial Officer at Telenor Group
Beyond Lip Service: Who Is Being Left Behind by DEI?
Moderated by Christin E. Bøsterud// CEO of EY Norway
Tumi Sineke// Founder at Tirisanong
Tor Andreas Bremnes// Managing Director of InClue
Stephen Adom// General Manager at Skeiv Verden Oslo and Viken
Embracing Vulnerability
A Personal Tale of the Power of Psychological Safety, Belonging, and Meaningful Work
Keynote by :
Lars Erik Lund // Executive Vice President of Strategy & Sustainability at Veidekke
Embark on a transformative journey with Lars Erik Lund, Executive VP of Strategy and Sustainability at Veidekke, as we uncover the keys to a thriving workplace through his honesty and personal journey. In this thought-provoking keynote, we will delve into the dynamic interplay of safety, belonging, and meaning. Gain important insights into how these pillars form the foundation of a resilient and engaged workforce. Join us and ignite a culture that prioritizes mental health, fosters a sense of belonging, and infuses meaning into every professional endeavour.
17:30—18:20 CET
Storytelling Beyond Boundaries
Jen Lee Koss
Shruti Ganguly
This session will emphasize the role of personal narratives, arts, culture, and activism in driving change and advancing social sustainability. Storytelling through artistic expression has the ability to connect, motivate, catalyse, and empower – becoming an invaluable tool for social transformation.
Performance by Alma Serafin Kraggerud // Violinist and Henning Kraggerud // Violinist & Composer
Åsne Seierstad // Author & Journalist
Ayesha Wolasmal // Author & Senior Strategy Consultant
Ane Brun // Artist
Iselin Shumba // Actor, Artist & Activist
Performance by Sandra Kolstad // Composer, Musician, Producer & Author