Hosted by James Chau
// The China Current
Planning for Humanity
Erna Solberg // The Norwegian Prime Minister
Hosted by James Chau // The China Current
Norway, and its 5.4 million people, offer a compassionate and effective model in the way it’s responded to COVID-19. Putting humanity at the center, as of early June, 238 people had died - much lower than in many parts of the world. In parallel, it’s contributing to the global development of life-saving treatments. In this part of this special interview, our host James Chau speaks with Prime Minister Erna Solberg about science, solidarity and leadership. This interview is a partnership between The China Current and SHE.
Leading for all
Erna Solberg // The Norwegian Prime Minister
Hosted by James Chau // The China Current
Erna Solberg is the second woman leader of Norway. During the pandemic, female leaders have been widely praised for their countries’ low rates of infection and death. James Chau, Host of The China Current, speaks to Erna Solberg about the importance of gender in this time of global pandemic, and how we can all work to better meet the rights and needs of women and girls in our communities.
Working for
Global Public Good
Erna Solberg // The Norwegian Prime Minister
Hosted by James Chau // The China Current
Norway has achieved one of the most inclusive societies today. Relatively poor before the 1970s, it now has one of the highest per capita incomes. But how will it negotiate a new world?